Aggravated sexual assault of a child under Penal Code 269 (PC) is one of California’s most serious sexual crimes. A conviction can result in life-altering penalties, including decades in prison. It could also lead to a lifetime of mandatory sex offender registration. The law is strict; however, being charged with the crime does not mean you are guilty. You have rights, and solid legal defenses are available. If you are facing PC 269 violation charges, you should seek the services of an experienced defense attorney. Your attorney can help protect your future and reputation by challenging the charges against you. An Overview of Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child You violate Penal Code 269 when you perform specific acts of sexual conduct against a child under 14. The acts include sodomy, rape, and oral copulation. These acts are categorized as aggravated when you... Read More
It is a crime to administer drugs to another person to commit a felony intentionally. This law applies when someone uses drugs to reduce the victim’s ability to resist and make it easier to commit a serious offense. This charge hinges on your intent to commit a felony and your willingness to use drugs as a means of incapacitation. A conviction under this law is serious and can result in penalties ranging from prison time and hefty fines to a criminal record that will remain with you for life. Because of the statute’s complexity, facing allegations of administering drugs to commit a felony requires strong legal representation. An experienced criminal defense attorney will be able to evaluate your case, craft an effective defense, and work to protect your rights in court. Administering Drugs to Commit a Felony Under California Law Under Penal Code Section 222, you... Read More
California law under PC 401 makes it unlawful for any person to encourage or assist another in committing suicide. Whether you succeed in assisting or encouraging the person, you can face felony charges, punishable by a maximum of three years in state prison. This grave offense can result in life-changing penalties and severe consequences, including a devastating criminal record. The law applies to all people, including family members and friends of a suffering patient. However, if you are medical personnel, you are exempt from persecution under this statute if you act according to the End of Life Option Act. You must demonstrate your innocence during the trial so the court can find you not guilty of the crime. A skilled attorney can help you build a solid defense to avoid a conviction and the resulting consequences. The Legal Meaning of Assisted Suicide Suicide... Read More
Using money or any other valuable item to influence the decisions or actions of another person is known as bribery and is a punishable crime. Bribery offenses can occur in various contexts, including private and public organizations. Specifically, Penal Code 67 makes it illegal to corrupt an executive officer through bribery. Usually, people commit bribery offenses to gain or secure benefits they would not receive legally at that particular time. Regardless of the circumstances that put you in trouble with the law as a suspect in a bribery case, consulting with an attorney could be beneficial because the consequences of a conviction could be detrimental to your professional and personal life. While an attorney will not necessarily help you win the case, he/she can offer you legal counsel and increase your odds of securing a desirable outcome, including a reduced... Read More
Federal and state statutes prohibit blackmail, which refers to obtaining property, services, or money from another person using coercion or fear. In California, blackmail is also known as theft through coercion or extortion, which falls under the broader scope of extortion under PEN 518. If you have been arrested for blackmail, you will wonder if it is a crime. Yes, blackmail is a felony violation that carries severe penalties, including lengthy incarceration, hence the need to protect yourself and your reputation by hiring an experienced criminal attorney. Blackmail Overview Blackmail is unlawful conduct involving threatening to release a person's confidential secret to coerce or force them into particular actions unless they agree to your demands. From this definition, blackmail is an act of extortion. You can face extortion charges if you threaten to expose a... Read More
California has stood as a defender of reproductive rights for decades. The state enacted reproductive rights laws before the Roe v. Wade decision became national law. The case was overruled nationally. Proposition 1, an amendment to the state constitution, became law in 2022, which ensures Californians can get abortions regardless of federal changes. The legal right to abortion exists, but specific restrictions still apply to its availability. Under current California law, abortion is restricted by gestational periods, and the state bans specific procedures after viability reaches 24 weeks unless necessary for saving the mother's health. Healthcare providers must help minors with their abortion decisions even though they do not require parental consent. The established rules attempt to establish an equilibrium between personal rights while upholding medical, social, and... Read More